Dates are a natural fruit, very sweet and warm in nature. The warm nature of dates may cause small pimples for some people, but in the end, this miraculous substance will have a major impact on our body’s health. Although dates are sweeter than any other fruit, the fruit is something like a miracle for those who have or are prone to diabetes. We are going to talk a little more about this valuable fruit so that maybe you will be encouraged to eat it to maintain your health.
Treatment of sexual weakness
Studies have shown that the properties of dates are even useful for increasing sexual power. Soak some dates overnight in fresh goat’s milk, then crush them in the same milk and mix with cardamom powder and honey. This mixture is known as a very effective and useful invigorating drug for increasing sexual endurance and reducing the effect of infertility caused by various sexual disorders. The scientific point behind this phenomenon is mainly rooted in traditional applications that have motivated formal research. In 2006, an Iranian researcher named Bahmanpour conducted a study on the effects of dates and its oil on sexual function, and receiving high amounts of estradiol and flavonoids in dates increases the number and motility of sperms, as well as the size and weight of the testicles. Therefore, if you are looking to strengthen your manhood, eat dates; Because dates are a natural aphrodisiac!
Reducing the amount of night blindness
The properties of dates are very wide and it is usually used to fight against various diseases related to ear, throat and nose. Based on medical experience, if you make a paste of chopped palm leaves and apply it on or around the eyes, or even if you just eat dates, the number of night blindness will decrease; This method is usually widely used in rural areas where dates grow as an alternative medicine method.
Reducing the effects of alcohol consumption
Dates are generally used as a solution to reduce the effects of alcohol consumption. Consuming dates can provide immediate relief and increase alertness for someone who has consumed too much alcohol. It is also useful for preventing hangovers and headaches that occur several hours after consuming alcohol. As mentioned in the previous sections, to achieve the best results, it is better to soak the dates in water overnight after peeling them.