Dairy products are the best source of calcium and calcium is the main mineral that forms bones. For this reason, nutritionists emphasize the daily consumption of dairy products. Dairy products are the main solution for treating osteoporosis with nutrition.
Some calcium is excreted through urine. If the body cannot compensate for this amount of lost calcium through diet, it inevitably uses calcium from the bones, which over time causes a decrease in bone density and increases the possibility of bone fractures.
Osteoporosis is a progressive disease in which bones decay and lose density and minerals over time. This disease has various causes and many factors are effective in its occurrence that are not related to nutrition, such as; Exercise and hormones.
Osteoporosis is more common in women, especially after menopause. This disease significantly increases the risk of bone fractures, which has negative effects on people’s quality of life. We have prepared a list of foods rich in calcium for you.
Yogurt and cheese
The calcium in a bowl of yogurt or 30 grams of Swiss cheese is almost equal to the calcium in 250 cc of milk, so if you don’t like milk or are allergic to lactose in milk, you can use these alternatives. In the meantime, note that the calcium in milks and dairy products whose lactose has been removed is equal to other lactose-containing dairy products. Also, cheese and other dairy products are known to supply essential calcium to the body. The main product among them is cheese. A single slice of cheese provides 22% of the recommended daily value of calcium. As with most cheeses and dairy products, remember to enjoy it in moderation, as the calories can add up quickly. Most cheeses are very good sources of calcium.
Although sunlight is not food, the body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Without vitamin D, our body cannot fully absorb calcium. Since too much sunlight has health effects and also causes skin darkening, some may not choose this option, so consider vitamin D alternatives.
You need calcium to have strong bones. Adults need 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily and 1,200 milligrams for women over 50 and men over 70. The most important source of calcium is obviously milk. A 250 ml glass of milk, regardless of whether it is low-fat or full-fat, contains 300 mg of calcium.
Considering the presence of 98% pure calcium tissue in the egg shell; This livestock source is the best natural source of excellent calcium to compensate for this vital element in those suffering from its deficiency and even pregnant mothers. Yolk and shell is the richest source of calcium, eggshell powder can be included as an excellent source of calcium like salt in the daily food basket and eaten by adding it to salad or other foods, you can eat eggs or comb eggs with Add quality and freshness to your shopping cart online at a reasonable price.
dried fig
One of the delicious sources of calcium is dried figs. It is interesting to know that eight dried figs, which make up about half a cup, provide 241 mg of calcium necessary for the body, which is about one fifth of the required amount. Figs are also a good source of antioxidants and plenty of fiber. Try to include some delicious food as a daily snack or snack in your diet.
Soy is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, including protein, iron and fiber. If you’re concerned about your calcium levels, soy is a fantastic way to boost this essential mineral in your diet. Soy is high in calcium and isoflavones, which are vital for bone health and can increase bone density.
In order for our bone-strengthening diet to be useful, we must engage in regular weight-bearing exercises. These sports include all sports that use body weight or weights to put pressure on bones and muscles. As a result, bone density increases. Brisk walking, dancing, tennis and yoga are good for your bones.
the vegetables
Kale/broccoli/lettuce/cabbage and other leafy vegetables are very good sources of calcium. The problem is that the calcium in vegetables is not as easily absorbed as the calcium in dairy products, except for vegetables that contain the chemical oxalate. Spinach salad or eating an extra serving of vegetables at lunch time can provide the calcium your body needs.
To have a healthy and balanced diet, you should eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, cruciferous cabbage, cauliflower), especially broccoli, which is great for bone health because it contains It is high in calcium and vitamin K. These (calcium and vitamin K) are necessary both for the health of bones and their strengthening, and for the prevention of osteoporosis. Adding broccoli to your diet can also improve your blood pressure, immune system, and heart health.